Tuesday, 23 April 2013

**♥ ♥Can Babies see Fairies? **♥ ♥

Can babies see fairies? I love those little puny babies... They inspire me so much..

Yes, babies can definitely see fairies. T
Albert Einstein was a famous physicist and one of the founders of quantum physics. He understood the concept of other dimensions. He also understood the need to go beyond the senses. I admire him greatly. Oh yes. That's right. We were talking about babies. However did I get so off the subject. **♥ ♥

Babies inspire me <3
Here are some of my baby creation inspired by the pink moon and I named the Pink Moon Babies

Why call them pink moon babies? I am so inspired by the full moon this month .. April's full moon is known as Full Pink Moon derived from the pink flowers that begin to bloom in Spring. It isn't actually pink ♥. Still, our full moon is on the 25th. ♥ I honour the pink moon :) and these babies are born ♥

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